The one constant in our life is Lake Powell every year. We are like little kids before Christmas. Trevor would rather go there than ANYWHERE on earth he claims. It is pretty awesome. July was one hellish month for us where we felt like we never saw each other and were always busy. I think we had dinner together twice. Between scout camp, girls camp, weddings, funerals, etc. we were two busy kids! I was SO excited to relax and have nothing to do for a week. With no cell phone service, no tv, and no computer, its easy to forget your worries while at Powell.
Lake Powell consisted of: rocking out to Miley on the boat, longs talks on top of the house boat, dessert 10 times a day, lots of diet coke, books, magazines, sunscreen (for everyone but Tausha), starry nights, stormy nights, hair braiding, girl talk, mom tripps hilarious ambien moments, violent games of spoons, afternoon naps, christmas card pictures, hilarious 16 year old girls, lots and lots of food, cliff jumping, wakeboarding, tubing, slalom skiing, birthdays, back massages, waterfalls, jumping off the house boat to catch a football, showering in the lake, shooting bats, killing bats, dance parties, advil PM, snoring, laugh til it hurts moments, and memories that will last forever!
Tubing with two boys-bad idea...
Tausha knows me to well...
Many hours were spent with Mitch here...
Dr. Tripp was tired...