Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cookies and Pumpkins

I love Halloween. Maybe its because my Mom openly dislikes the holiday and I was a clown for 8 years, ha. I wanted to make sugar cookies to give to my sunbeams and to have for our Halloween party (blog post coming soon) so I roped my friend Emi into helping me make 6 dozen. We figured we needed to entertain the boys somehow since they weren't chomping at the bit to help us so we got pumpkins for them to carve. Mike ended up carving the pumpkins and Trevor was the creative director, if you will. He hates getting the guts out of the pumpkin. Basically, he found the most difficult faces online and challenged Mike to recreate them. Mike did a great job and we both had awesome pumpkins on our porches for Halloween. He only had one battle wound from the night that he refused to put a band-aid on. Emi and I had fun, even 4 hours in. I think by the end we would have been happy never seeing sprinkles again, but we still managed to have a blast like usual. Thanks for helping me Em!

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