Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Break in AZ

Lucky for us, Trevor's little sister is still in High School and we get to tag along on her spring break trips! The annual Arizona spring break trip was as relaxing and fun as ever. It seemed to be JUST what the doctor ordered. Every day was pretty much the same: wake up, go work out, head to the pool at 10 am, read, eat, swim, repeat. We went out to dinner most nights and even saw Sourcecode which was a great movie. It was so much fun to hang out and do a whole lot of nothing everyday. Trevor golfed and played tennis with his dad and even squeezed in his marathon training while we were there. He was WAY more productive than I was during the day. We got a tan and came back refreshed, thanks mom and dad Tripp for a great vacation. We can't wait til little Brooklyn can experience it next year!


  1. So fun!! You don't even look prego in your bathing suit, skinny mini.

  2. Yeah, I agree with Emi, you barely have a belly bump! But I know you are so tiny normally, so I bet you feel it more than we see it. I can hide most of my pregnancy weight pretty well beacuse I am 5'10 ;) but with less then 2 months to go, I definately look pregnant now. BTW we also love the name Brooklyn, we might use it as a middle name.
